Zoe Kent

Architectural Designer

Zoe Kent, an Architectural Designer, merges architectural and interior design principles to create innovative, cohesive spaces for residential and commercial projects.


Zoe received her Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Cambridge, where she gained a deep understanding of architectural history and theory. She later pursued a Master’s degree in Interior Architecture from the Royal College of Art, focusing on the integration of architectural elements in interior design.

Professinoal Experience:

Zoe has over 8 years of experience in architectural design, focusing on integrating structural elements with interior spaces. She has worked on luxury residences and commercial properties, providing creative and practical design solutions.

Key Skills:

  • Architectural design and drafting
  • Structural integration in interior spaces
  • Creative problem-solving
  • 3D modeling and visualization
  • Knowledge of building codes and regulations
  • Achievement & Awards:

  • Winner of the "Young Architect of the Year" award by the Architects' Journal.
  • His design for a historic building renovation won the RIBA London Award.
  • Published in Architectural Digest for his innovative interior architecture projects.
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